dean's Welcoming Notes

Warmest Greeting
On behalf of the Faculty of Human Development, I would like to welcome all of you and to express my sincere congratulations on your decisions to pursue your chosen field of study. I believe you have made the right choice and that you will be committed to excel in your studies.
This website aims to provide information and explanations about the Faculty itself, but more specifically, to provide details about the academic programs within the Faculty. You are encouraged to always refer to this sites to help you understand how the Faculty operates and to help you plan your success in your studies. I advise that regular meetings with your Academic Adviser are important for your continuing accomplishments in your studies. Based on your past academic achievements, I am confident you will repeat your academic excellence with us.
Faculty of Human Development will continuously endeavour to ensure that excellence in general academic studies, its processes and contexts are met. These endeavours will not work without commitment and support from you. Therefore, use the opportunities provided to acquireas many skills and knowledge for your self-development as you prepare for your career, for the Faculty and for education in general.
I wish you all the best for your studies in the Faculty of Human Development.
Assoc Professor Dr. Abdul Talib bin Mohamed Hashim
Faculty of Human Development
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris