Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Education
Educational Studies
with honours
This programmes aims to produce educators of Special education who have the professional agility and ability. The purpose of this process is to conduct and manage education for children with special needs and provide special education teachers with knowledge that can be applied using various methods, techniques, equivalent and contemporary in teaching and learning, especially in field of Learning Disabilities, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Gifted, talented and others disabilities.

Bachelor of Education
Guidance and Counseling
with honours
This programmes is to produce a good personality counselor in the aspect of intellectual, spiritual, emotional and psychical, with ethical and accredited to fulfill the needs of counselling services in school.
Bachelor of Education
Special Education
with honours
This programmes aims to produce educators of Special education who have the professional agility and ability. The purpose of this process is to conduct and manage education for children with special needs and provide special education teachers with knowledge that can be applied using various methods, techniques, equivalent and contemporary in teaching and learning, especially in field of Learning Disabilities, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Gifted, talented and others disabilities.
Bachelor of Education
Early Childhood Education
with honours
This programmes is to produce professional early childhood educators who are ready and prepared to use the learnt Principles of Early Childhood Development, Curriculum, Teaching and Aspects of Assessment to build and develop the important childhood years far the future growth and betterment of the country and society as a whole.
Bachelor In
with honours
This programmes is to produce graduates with basic knowledge and skills in the field of psychology. Using the psychology knowledge they had empowered, they will be able to conduct and manage research in psychology and other related fields. Graduates will also be able to further their studies in the specialized fields of psychology in a higher level within and outside of the country. The programme is also aims to provide world class human capital in the psychology field in the order to fulfill the needs of the market. In addition, graduates are also expected to perform community service to demonstrate their social skills and accountability in profession.